The Setec Group has always conducted its business concerned with the quality of services provided, within an environment with emphasis on ethics, transparency and integrity. The valorization of the precepts of social responsibility and the best governance practices are always present in the company's actions.
In order to consolidate what is already part of the Group's culture, Setec Hidrolibrasileira - Setec Hb created the Compliance Program, which allows the creation of new monitoring structures and the strengthening of its values with the stakeholders.
The Code of Ethical Conduct was consolidated to integrate Setec's precepts, in line with its governance, the legislation in force, and good anti-corruption, anti-bribery, competition, and accounting recordkeeping practices.
It reaffirms the way we act in the market of providing specialized engineering services, respecting and adequately protecting the interests and information made available by our clients, to ensure the fulfillment of their objectives in each project.
Setec Hidrobrasileira makes a Communication/Whistleblowing Channel available, accessible to all employees, clients, suppliers, service providers, partners to report activities and behaviors that are not in accordance with any internal policy or with Setec Hidrobrasileira's Code of Conduct.
Here you can report conducts considered inappropriate that violate current legislation and/or go against the ethical principles and guidelines of SETEC HYDROBRASILEIRA's Code of Conduct.
The information registered here is received by the company's Ethics and Compliance Committee, ensuring absolute secrecy and appropriate treatment of each situation. We guarantee that every report is investigated with confidentiality, impartiality, preservation of anonymity, and non-retaliation.