SABESP – Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo
Jul/1994 to Jun/1997
The improvement and expansion works project for the sanitary wastewater treatment system of Ubatuba, in the State of São Paulo, includes two Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP); the ETE-1, which is the main plant and the ETE-2 in Ipiranguinha. Together, they comprise 42.7 km of linear works (38 km collector lines, 1.7 km backbone collector, 0.7 km emissary and 2.3 km pressure discharge lines), as well as three pumping stations.
ETE-1 – The main plant was designed to receive wastewater coming from basins of the main system, B1 to B8, to attend a foreseen public of 59,050 inhabitants in a first stage, in 2006, and 92,049 inhabitants at the end of the plan in 2016.
The treatment process is made in batches of activated sludge, with prolonged aeration, where the digested sludge, coming from a liquid stage is condensed and dewatered.
ETE-2 – Ipiranguinha, was designed to receive wastewater coming from the basin of the Ipiranguinha neighborhood, to attend a foreseen public of 9,578 inhabitants in a first stage, in 2006, and 11,198 inhabitants at the end of the plan in 2016. The treatment process is made by an ascending flow, anaerobic reactor, polished by an anaerobic filter and a secondary settling vessel, where the digested sludge is sent to the main WWTP.
Linear works – 42.7 km
Pumping stations – 03 units
Type – Activated sludge
92,049 People attended (2016)
TYPE – Anaerobic reactor
11,198 People attended (2016)
- Population studies;
- Studies related to expected demand and flows;
- Reassessment of existing studies;
- Studies on the economics;
- Studies on alternative techniques for the sanitary wastewater system and for the treatment processes of the two WWTPs;
- Field services;
- Complete designs, basic and detailed, for the hydraulic and mechanical systems, as well as for the sludge treatment system, foundations and structures, electrical, instruments, supervision and control, installations and facilities, architecture and landscaping;
- Technical packages for Bid tenders;
- Technical advisory for following–up the works.