Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos – CPTM
May 2015 to April 2018
Line 13 – Jade has propitiated a new rail service in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo – RMSP, connecting the State Capital to the International Airport – André Franco Montoro – located in the municipality of Guarulhos.
Included in this phase of the undertaking was the execution of the expanse between the Engenheiro Goulart station of Line 12 – Safira, and the Airport station – Jade, with some stretches being on-surface and others elevated; implementation of stations, substations, sectioning cabins, engineering structures, and a cable-stayed railway viaduct.
Line 13 – Jade represented a leap of quality in the mobility infrastructure for the citizens of the East-Zone of São Paulo City and of Guarulhos, who can now move about the several cities of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo by using the CPTM lines, while also accessing the Metro network and being benefitted by the less time spent from the Guarulhos Airport to reach the Brás District, which can be as little as 35 minutes for the entire trip.
During the period between 2015 and 2018 SETEC HIDROBRASILEIRA provided technical and managerial support to CPTM as necessary for implementing Line – 13.
12,2 km
3 Stations
200 Thousand
passengers per day
Os serviços de gerenciamento da linha 13 consistiam em planejamento, monitoramento e controle físico/financeiro do empreendimento contemplando as obras civis e implantação de sistemas. Também faziam parte dos trabalhos as tratativas das desapropriações, interfaces e interferências das diversas disciplinas, bem como, os acompanhamentos relacionados as tratativas de QSMS (Meio Ambiente, Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional).
INNOVATION: DMS – Digital Management System
Having ample knowledge of management services, SETEC HIDROBRASILEIRA went beyond the mere traditional managing:
We developed a Digital Management System (DMS) to assist in the Management by providing information and products to the higher administrative echelons of the Government. We took upon ourselves to provide CPTM with a practical DMS, adjusted to the project and to the expectations of our client.
In other words: a DMS for an Intelligent Management!